Call for proposals: Small projects
Project duration: 1 Mar 2022–28 Feb 2023
Project budget: 19,995.70 EUR
Numerous global studies have shown that cycling improves health and well-being, increases efficiency at work and at home, and reduces environmental pollution. The prevailing belief that cycling is for athletic and fit people who can carry and ride a bike on their own encourages the view that cycling is not a suitable sport for the disabled. As a result, they are physically inactive and socially excluded. In fact, for many people with disabilities cycling is easier than walking.
The main obstacles that prevent people with disabilities from cycling are inaccessible cycling infrastructure, inability to use bicycles autonomously, difficult access to adaptive bicycles – both physical and financial – low advocacy for people with disabilities and low public awareness of the problems they face.
In Zgornji Posotelj we will focus on the disabled and people with mental disorders aged 18 to 65 who are able to ride adaptive bicycles. We will raise their awareness about the strengthening of mental and physical health in nature and encourage them to cycle.
We will also strengthen advocacy activities: we will inform and raise awareness of the public and private sector and civil society about how important it is that people with disabilities are able to participate in sports and socialize by cycling. Local disabled people will play a key role in this as promoters and ambassadors of the campaign and advocates of cycling.
The campaign Na Vonarje med inkluzivne kolesarje will encourage people with disabilities locally and nationally to start cycling in nature and raise awareness among the general public that people with disabilities also cycle. We will also address municipalities and tourism service providers and promote the development of accessible tourism.
Cycling will have a positive impact on the self-image of people with disabilities, their physical and mental health, and consequently the health of the whole community. It will increase their integration into the local community.
Contact person: Petra Križan