Call for proposals: Medium projects
Priority area: Increased support for civic education and human rights
Project duration: 1 May 2023–31 April 2024
Project budget: EUR 49.847,58
In Slovenia, every fifth girl and seventh boy is the victim of sexual violence. However, only ten percent of cases are reported to the police. Students also report cases of sexual violence, which they have never officially reported to authorities. This points to a lack of social awareness on the matter and indicates that sexual violence is being normalized in Slovenia. This is also evident in courts and media coverage. Victims of sexual violence remain silent because they cannot count on the support of their friends and relatives, the public, or the state. Thus, mental and life hardships remain a problem and sexual violence is perpetuated from generation to generation.
Utilizing drama, the Cultural and Artistic Association Transformator and the Magdalene Krivopete group have been addressing the issue of sexual violence and inequality for several years, raising awareness among young people and the general public. Within the framework of the project dubbed Gender Equality Rules: Creating an Equal Society for Everyone, their interactive plays about sexual violence, which are based on true stories, will be enacted at secondary schools and universities in Slovenia and Croatia. The objective of the plays is to collect young people's proposals for amending and supplementing the existing legislation through a special technique called legislative forum theatre. We will create a new legislative play based on the Ancient Greek tragedy Antigone. The impact of the plays in both countries will be studied by the Peace Institute. Together with Radio Marš, we will produce an awareness-raising series of podcasts that will thoroughly explore sexual violence in Slovenia and provide ethical considerations on the issue. All activities will be intertwined with a campaign for raising awareness; the organization of a public conference with non-governmental institutions, decision-makers, and media; as well as the development of educational tools and instructions for providers of education.
The project aims to support surviving victims of sexual violence in our society and the recent courage they have shown in criminal prosecution against the denial of their right to bodily autonomy. We want to raise awareness among young people aged from 14 to 18 years, students, and the general public so as to empower them in supporting victims of sexual violence as both individuals and members of the society. With adequate media coverage, we want to instill courage in the survivors of sexual violence, while at the same time encouraging everyone to join forces in solving this societal issue and participate in the creation of democratic legislative proposals.
Contact person: Metka Bahlen Okoli