Call for proposals: Medium projects
Priority area: Increased support for civic education and human rights
Project duration: 1 May 2023–30 April 2024
Project budget: EUR 49.727,50
At the Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy, we have detected a critical lack of legal knowledge among citizens, which includes young people. This means they are less aware of their rights, making it difficult for them to enforce these rights effectively. Our curricula are focused mainly on aspects of procedural law (in a broad sense, not just judicial and administrative procedures, but also procedural aspects of the formation of abstract and general legal rules, such as constitutions and laws), which means they present the procedures for creating legal rules. However, they do not cover substantive rules, which means they do not present the results or substantive result of these processes. We believe legal content should be made available to everyone, so we want to introduce it to schools in an engaging and educational manner.
This year for the first time, grammar schools have holding active citizenship classes, where students get to learn about the European Union, state, and society. Since we want to bring this content closer to them, the Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy will prepare five workshops in the form of tours around legal institutions. The tours will deal with the following topics and include the following institutions:
- FROM THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION TO THE RIGHT TO PROTEST (National Assembly, RTV Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior)
- FROM MURDER TO PRISON (prosecution, court, detention, prison)
- FROM CHILD TO PARTNER AND PARENT (maternity hospital, social work center, notary, court)
- FROM ENTREPRENEUR TO CONSUMER: (Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records, Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, Intellectual Property Office, lawyer)
- FROM SUMMER WORK TO REGULAR EMPLOYMENT: (trade unions, court, labor inspection, Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities)
Contact person: Barbara Rajgelj