Call for proposals: Micro or “rapid response” projects
Priority area: Strengthened civil society watchdog/advocacy role
Project duration: 22 May 2023–31 August 2023
Project budget: EUR 5,000
With the project dubbed Blind Spots of the Green Transition, Radio Student aimed to start a public debate that would include experts, specialized NGOs and the broad public – the latter often remains in the background when discussions on important topics take place. By organizing roundtable discussions with experts and producing in-depth broadcasts with our journalists, Radio Student wanted to raise awareness about the advantages and disadvantages of the so-called green transition among the general public. The main activity within the scope of the project is a communication campaign in Radio Student's radio broadcasts, on our website and social media channels. Also joining in on the campaign were radio stations NOR and MARŠ. The objective of the campaign was two-fold: it aimed to raise public awareness on issues of the green transition as well as to put pressure on the competent authorities.
In line with the European legal framework, Slovenia is obliged to achieve goals in the field of renewable energy sources (RES), which concerns all citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. The Act on the siting of installations for generation of electricity from renewable energy sources under review has authorized so-called regulatory sandboxes for testing new technologies for the first time in the history of our country. The proposal for the wording also contained various lists of priority areas for the siting of solar and wind parks, and it also mandated that these installations be set up on all new buildings larger than 1,000 m2 and existing buildings larger than 1,700 m2. Moreover, the proposal also dealt away with certain procedural obligations pertaining to the siting of installations in locations where the installations had previously been advised against. Blind Spots of Green Transitions aimed to inform the public about the progress made and the issues pertaining to the draft act.
Contact person: Sara Šabjan