Call for proposals: Small projects
Project duration: 26 Jan 2022–25 Jan 2023
Project budget: 19,600.00 EUR
We have noticed an increase in use of psychoactive substances among young Roma people in Roma settlements in the Dolenjska region. The consequences affect both individuals and society at large. However, for many reasons young people do not get or find a way to get the appropriate help.
In the Roma association Romano Veseli we will develop and implement a community service that will offer individual counseling to young people who have problems with psychoactive substances in Dolenjska and help them find professional support. We will also do this through direct work in the field with the help of a Roma mediator to prevent the misuse of psychoactive substances.
We will establish a confidential relationship with young people and provide them with professional support in further addressing psychoactive substances and alcohol abuse. The key goal of the project is to establish a long-term channel for all those who will seek professional help in the future at the reception center for addicts managed by a partner organization.
The project will raise the awareness of young Roma people and Roma families about the dangers of psychoactive substances and alcohol abuse, and raise awareness about the existing organizations offering support. We will conduct ten workshops in Roma settlements and a communication campaign for the Roma community in the Romani and Slovene languages.
An important part of the activities will be dedicated to raising awareness of local and national decision-makers and line bodies, and promoting the establishment of systemic support for solving the problem of psychoactive substance abuse among the young Roma in Dolenjska.
Contact person: Milena Tudija